Goodbye Azathioprine, hello Mycophenolate!| Rheumatology appointment 14-11-2019

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’d know that I entered a vile flare, possibly the worst I’ve experienced. During this flare, Azathioprine once again made a mess of my white cell count and we believe it also affected my liver. On October 30th, I was given the green light to restart Azathioprine. I had voiced that I did not wish to remain on Azathioprine numerous times throughout this flare but it seemed like nobody was listening to me. When you have a chronic illness, you slowly realise you’re in charge of your body and that means sometimes you have to say no to doctors and essentially, refuse treatment. Instead of restarting Azathioprine, I brought forward my Rheumatology appointment to discuss a new treatment plan.

I felt nervous for this appointment, a part of me thought my consultant would refuse to change my treatment and tell me to stay on Azathioprine. I brought my mum along with me, I prefer having someone with me at ‘big’ appointments, in case I forget anything he has said to me.

He started the appointment by telling me he has been in contact with my GP quite a lot recently – most likely discussing my blood tests and treatment for the flare. I told him I’m starting to feel better and like I’m coming out of the flare. I did question how I’m meant to be lowering the steroid dose, I was given 4 boxes of 1mg tablets and each box had the same instructions. It implied I would be on 4mg for a month which didn’t seem to fit the original weaning process we had planned. I did drop to 3mg on my own accord, something I told my consultant and he said I did the right thing. He told me to reduce the dose by 1mg each week, which means I will be steroid free within 3 weeks. This stint on steroids has lasted much longer than last years stint, I can’t wait to be free of them again.

I then explained that I feel as if we have come full circle with Azathioprine and that it’s time to give it up. It doesn’t seem logical to stay on a medication that keeps messing with my white cell count and liver and the last couple of times it’s happened, I’ve been put on steroids. He asked if I wanted to solely be on Hydroxychloroquine or if I wanted to replace the Azathioprine with a different medication. I told him I wanted to replace Azathioprine. I’m not stable enough to be on just Hydroxy which is why I was put on Azathioprine in the first place.

We have swapped Azathioprine for something called Mycophenolate which is also known as CellCept. Like Azathioprine, it’s an immune suppressant. That means it could affect my white cells and liver just like the Azathioprine but it could also be the wonder drug I’ve been searching for. It’s a bit of a gamble but you have to try these things to find out. My dose is 500mg in the morning and 500mg at night. I need fortnightly blood tests until my body has settled on it which isn’t too bad as I’m already on fortnightly tests. As of writing this, I’m on my 2nd day of the Mycophenolate and I haven’t encountered any side affects yet so let’s hope that continues. It doesn’t work immediately and it can take up to 8-12 weeks before I feel any benefit. I logged my experience with starting Azathioprine here and I plan to do the same with Mycophenolate.

I’m lucky that my Rheumatologist listens to what I have to say in regards to how I feel about my treatment plan and takes in what I think is and isn’t working. I didn’t need any blood tests at this appointment as I’d had some on Monday. I see him again in 3 months time.

At the appointment previous to this, my consultant said he will see me in 8 months time. When we left the room, I turned to my boyfriend and said “something will happen in that 8 months, just watch”. It’s funny how you’re right when your body is dysfunctional.

Onwards and upwards. Lupus 0 – Emily…I’ve lost count.

Azathioprine, steroids and symptoms resurfacing.

I went to my last set of blood tests (Friday 11th May) with low expectations of any change to the results. Tuesday 15th, the doctor rang me and if I’m honest my first thought was that something else had gone wrong. But, he called with good news, my white blood cells and neutrophil levels had returned to normal! By afternoon, I was nearly skipping into the surgery to pick up my Azathioprine, the dose has been reduced from 150mg to 125mg. I can’t say for definite why this all happened but I believe my body just couldn’t tolerate the higher dose of 150mg. Before all of this happened, I thought Azathioprine was borderline useless. It wasn’t until they were abruptly stopped that I realised just quite how much they helped.

Thursday 17th: I received a call from my Lupus nurse. It basically consisted of her telling me I could restart Azathioprine and my blood tests can go from weekly to fortnightly. I happily cancelled my blood tests for the following day. Weekly tests get beyond tedious.

Friday 18th: I reduced my steroid dose from 15mg to 10mg. I will remain on this dose for just 2 weeks before reducing again to 5mg. The first side affect I encountered was hunger and I can fully understand why people gain weight – it’s insatiable. You could have put an extra large mix grill in front of me and I’d have probably demolished it (I never eat mixed grills, I don’t think I’ve ever ordered one). But thankfully, the hunger feeling seems to have disappeared. The next slightly bizarre side affect was and still slightly is, a sore tongue. This only really bothered me when I drank cold drinks or when I was cleaning my teeth. The final side affect that still comes and goes is feeling HOT. It mostly happens at night which disturbs my sleep…not totally helpful for someone who can’t sleep at the best of times.

When I first started steroids, I felt incredible. I felt like I could do task after task without becoming instantly fatigued or sore. However, last week we had family over which put me out of my usual routine and I was doing too much to be able to cope. My energy levels rapidly declined and small tasks started to feel like I was being asked to climb a mountain. Body aches were the next symptom to resurface, it was like I had been dipped in concrete, an overwhelming heavy feeling. My headaches had reappeared, with sharp pains around the eyes. And, the dreaded joint pain started to radiate through my joints, even the tiny joints in my feet hurt. On Saturday, I felt like my body was about to give up, just walking to the toilet was too much. By the afternoon, I had no choice but to go back to bed. I slept all afternoon, even through my Grandfather and Dad drilling through the wall below my bedroom. It was heart wrenching and frustrating to go from feeling well on steroids back to feeling so sore and poorly. It just proves how powerful Lupus can be and if it demands to be felt, it will.

My joints are still very sore and I’m still very fatigued with body aches. But, I’m going to use this week to relax and recover. It can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months for Azathioprine to fully kick in, obviously I’m hoping it doesn’t take long at all. But, we’re at least back on the right track.

Steroids: what are they like?

I’m nearly at the end of my first week on steroids, it’s time to give my initial thoughts on the dreaded medication. When I initially started them, I spoke to a few people in the chronically ill community about their experiences with steroids. There wasn’t one person who wanted to be on them, despite knowing they would help. Steroids work by reducing inflammation and they also suppress the immune system – which is why they are commonly used for auto immune diseases.

Steroids tend to raise the level of glucose and sugar in the blood and they also cause an insatiable appetite – those combined can lead to the side affect that nobody wants: weight gain. I’m being strict with what I consume, carbohydrates turn into sugar, so anything with a high carb content has been eradicated from my diet. The only carbohydrates I eat is what naturally occurs in fruit and vegetables. I have significantly upped the amount of protein I eat too. It’s a complete change around for my diet, I usually consume more carbs than I do protein. Despite constantly feeling hungry, I haven’t caved to it yet. I ignore the hunger pangs and only eat at meal times…I guess that’s where being stubborn comes in handy. Out of everything I’m used to eating, all I miss is a cup of tea with one sugar and a handful of biscuits.

However, I am suffering from two side affects. The steroids are making my body temperature rise and I feel unbearable hot, this mostly happens at night but it has occurred in the day time too. The second side affect is disrupted sleep (as if my sleep couldn’t be anymore disrupted), I definitely think the body temperature has a part to play in this too. I constantly wake up through the night or it takes me hours to settle down and sleep. That being said, I’d rather have those two side affects than any others.

Despite having disrupted sleep, the steroids have worked wonders for fatigue. I seem to be able to do a little more in the day time. Not only that, but I can concentrate on things better and my brain fog isn’t as bad. However by late afternoon I start to become tired again, but it’s probably down to me taking advantage of not being so fatigued. I’m still having joint pain, but it’s not as constant and it usually starts in the early afternoon and it intensifies a little by early evening. The steroids haven’t worked for my headaches yet, but whilst reading the side affects, it said they can cause them – so I’m not entirely sure if it’s a side affect or lupus.

I would say that so far, the only great improvement I feel is the fatigue. Which is okay with me, fatigue is a symptom I can’t stand or get used to. If my consultant decided to keep me on the steroids for longer than expected, I wouldn’t complain for this reason. But, there’s still time for the steroids to start taking affect on the other symptoms – time will tell. My recent blood tests show that my neutrophil level is still low, so I still don’t have a clear idea of how long I’ll be on steroids.

I’m (reluctantly) on steroids.

The break from Azathioprine continues, if I’m honest, it’s lasted much longer than I had anticipated. And, to be frank, it’s been an utter nightmare. It feels as if nobody is communicating with each other, it’s almost like they have no idea what’s happening with my treatment plan.

My Lupus nurse called me on Monday 23rd April, to tell me I had to stop Azathioprine (by this point, I’ve been off the medication for 2 weeks). She told me that my white blood cells have returned to a normal level, but my neutrophil level remains low. She said she was going to talk to my consultant about restarting Azathioprine and that she would call me back in a few days. By the Friday afternoon, I hadn’t received a call which prompted me to call her – it went to her answering machine.

Wednesday 2nd May: there still was no call back from my Lupus nurse. I tried to contact her again. It went to her answering machine but this time there was a message alerting me that she was on annual leave until next week. To get a message to my consultant, I next tried calling his secretary and hallelujah, she answered! I had to tell her the full story: no Azathioprine and how long I’ve been off it, low white cells and neutrophils, frequent blood tests, Lupus nurse called and then didn’t call back and finally that my symptoms are progressively worsening from being under medicated. She noted everything I said and told me she would speak to the consultant and call me back.

Whilst I was waiting for the call back, I logged into my patient access app and looked back at my neutrophil results from past to present. I realised they’ve been low before and fluctuate quite frequently:

Due to this realisation, I was getting pretty cocky that I’d be back on Azathioprine that night. The secretary called me back, she re-confirmed that my white blood cells are back to normal but my neutrophil level remains low. And, because of that, the consultant is continuing the Azathioprine ban. But, he would like me to go on steroids to control the worsening symptoms until the neutrophils are back to normal. I paused slightly and told her “I don’t want to take steroids”. I mean, bless this woman, I’m talking to her like she can change my consultants decision. She sounded quite sympathetic and told me “Doctor wouldn’t prescribe them if they weren’t necessary”. I eventually agreed to let her fax the care plan to my GP. She told me to call the surgery in 15 minutes to see what time they’ll be ready to pick up.

I started sorting the laundry out and before I knew it, I was crying because I REALLY don’t want to take steroids. I started to wonder, why everyone is suddenly making a song and dance about low neutrophils when they’ve been low in the past? I logged back into the patient access app, this time I looked at my white blood cell results past and present – they also fluctuate and in the past, both my white cell count and neutrophil levels have been low at the same time. But, I remained on Azathioprine.

An hour passes by the time I called the GP surgery, there’s no fax – they said to call again in an hour. I kill a further 2 hours and call again but there’s still no fax. By this point, after spending much of my day chasing people up and my patience hanging by a thread, I told them I would call back in the morning.

Thursday 3rd May: I called the GP surgery again and there was no fax. I would class myself as a chilled out person, I don’t get annoyed easily, but this situation was really pissing in my cornflakes. I called the secretary back, she was annoyed too. She sent the fax within minutes of getting off the phone to me and also sent a hard copy. She said she would call the surgery and re-fax the care plan and told me to call them again in 10 minutes. I left it an hour and when I called back, praise the Lord, they had the fax!

I’m not scared of the steroid itself, it’s the side affects: moon face and weight gain. I only have one logical explanation for this fear, the eating disorder I suffered as a teenager. I have been told I look tired and my under eyes are becoming dark, so the worsening fatigue and pain is starting to show – steroids are the only thing on the table for me at the moment so I have to (reluctantly) accept them. Mum and I researched what the best diet is whilst taking steroids: low carb and high protein. Although my dose is low, I’m not taking the risk and eating how I usually do. However, I have made it clear that if I don’t like them, I won’t keep myself on them.

I seriously didn’t think it would drag on for this long or that I’d end up on steroids. I’m at my wits end. I didn’t realise how much Azathioprine did for me until I was taken off it.

The dose: 15mg for 2 weeks, then reduce to 10mg for 2 weeks and finally to 5mg for 2 weeks.

A week without immune suppressants…

It’s been over a week since my last dose of Azathioprine and according to my research they were out of my system within 2 days. At the time of stopping Azathioprine, my white blood cells were reading at 3.3. However, I had the levels re-tested again on Friday (13-04-18) and they are now reading 2.8. My GP, on Monday, assured me that the levels would return to normal quickly. Instead they have fallen, which concerns me but, I seem to be the only one concerned about it.

I was fully aware that I would suffer due to being under medicated and I knew Lupus would drag me down quickly. Today has been my hardest day so far. My headaches, which were greatly reduced by the Apixaban have returned, it’s like a constantly thud in my head and there’s sharp pain behind my eyes. My joints, especially my knees and elbows have pain radiating through them, I can’t take my strong painkillers because they induce headaches – which would just turn my current headache into a migraine. My feet and fingers have lost feeling quite a few times which ended in pins and needles.

Around lunch time, I had severe pain on the left hand side of my back, just under the ribs. It was so severe that it reduced me to tears and made me nauseous, it seems to be coming in waves but so far, nothing as bad as earlier today. It was as if someone was stabbing me.

Fatigue has been mounting up, I have no desire or motivation to do anything but sit or lay. My eyes sting and burn and small tasks are beginning to feel like impossible tasks. I’m starting to feel like a zombie, I look awake and alert but I don’t feel it.

It scares me that I could and probably will get worse, I’m heading into my second week being under medicated. You can feel Lupus pull you in but you have no idea how far it’ll pull you, and that’s the scary part. But, this is what happens when you give Lupus free reign to be a dick.

I have blood tests this Friday to re-check my white blood cell levels. I’m hoping they will have risen but due to the drop, I’m dubious that it’ll be enough to re-start the lowered dose of Azathioprine.

Items/things that make life with Chronic Illness easier.

When I was diagnosed, I had to learn not only about Lupus and it’s manifestations but also how to make myself as comfortable as possible. When I’m not comfortable, Lupus strikes back at me causing unwanted suffering. Sufferers get a lot of help and recommendations from each other, which is exactly why I’m doing this post, here are the staple items in my life that I cannot live without.

The Heat Pad: This was at the top of my 2017 Christmas list, I originally wanted it to alleviate my often severe Raynaud’s. However, it has been used more to help my Lupus aches and pains. Overtime, I have realised my pain responds well to heat. The pad itself is soft, almost a fleece material and it’s flexible, meaning it can be wrapped around the affected joints. It has 5 heat settings, I usually have it on the highest setting (5). The pad is on a timer and after 3 hours, it will turn to standby mode and it’s also machine washable, which is great when your puppy decides it’s a great place to pee (evil eyes at Fifi). In recent months, I’ve had a lot of back pain which varies in severity, the heat pad has proved most helpful for this. I have of course used it for Raynaud’s, I place it on my feet when I can no longer feel them and I place my hands on it when they become too cold. It’s used daily and I highly recommend one if your pain responds to heat…or to just feel super cosy!

Hot Hands: Like stated above, my Raynaud’s can be severe, especially in my hands. If I go out without gloves, I almost instantly start to lose the feeling in my fingers. It causes great pain and distress, causing me to find any excuse to stay indoors for much of the winter months. I was going to a Christmas market, something I was excited but nervous for due to Raynaud’s, I found the Hot Hands online and decided to try them. Once you take them out of the packaging, the air starts to activate them, and the results were life changing. I was out in minus temperatures for a few hours, holding cold cans of Coke and with barley any Raynaud’s symptoms in my hands. Although the packaging states they stay hot for 10 hours, I’ve found they can last up to 14. I urge any Raynaud sufferer to at least try them, I couldn’t live without them and now I can leave my house knowing my hands will be warm and comfortable.

Heat Holder Gloves: I spotted these gloves on a cold snowy day whilst shopping. The thickness and 2.3 tog level pulled me in and I ended up buying them. Like the Hot Hands, they have been nothing short of a miracle. They feel like duvets for your hands, they are unbelievably soft and warm due to the fuzz in them and the tog level. I double them with the Hot Hands. I highly recommend for those who have Raynauds and to those who feel the cold.

Tiger balm: Think Deep Heat but stronger. There’s two versions, white and red, I use red which is the stronger of the two. I put it on my elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. I find it most helpful for throbbing pains, it definitely dulls it down. It works even better when doubled with the heat pad. I have tried Deep Heat and even freeze gel/sprays but none of those products come close to Tiger Balm. The only downside is it can stain light coloured clothing. But, I’d rather have stained clothes than sore radiating pain through my joints.

Memory Foam Pillow: It might sound odd, a pillow helping me. But, my memory foam pillow serves as a place to rest my joints when they’re sore and swollen, especially my elbows and ankles. I’ve found usual pillows flatten when I prop my feet upon it but the memory foam stays firmly in place.

Central Heating: A cold house will encourage my Raynaud’s to rear it’s ugly head and the cold air will cause my joints to seize and become painful. I have found 23.5 to be the perfect temperature, it constantly stays at this temperature and very rarely gets lower.

Making sure my medication is organised is a must for me. I also need to be able to keep track of what pills are running out and what isn’t, so I can put the correct medication through on my prescription.

The Bag: Once upon a time, it was used to hold make up and hair products for on the go. Now, it holds painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. I keep prescription pain meds such as Codeine and Tramadol in there too. It also houses eye drops in case I need them on the go. I keep it in my handbag but also carry it around the house. Most people have seen me with ‘the bag’…I’m the best person to come to if you have a headache!

The Note System: I either keep notes on my phone or in a note pad. I jot down appointments or meds that need re-stocking. Due to brain fog, I can’t rely on myself to magically remember, especially dates and times.

The Trolley: I found this trolley on Amazon and for a great price. I use the two top drawers to store my meds (although I’m really pushing the 2 drawer thing, I think I actually need 3-4). The first drawer is used to store my meds that haven’t been sorted into my monthly medication box, such as my Hydroxy, Azathioprine and meds to stabilise my other conditions. The second drawer is used to store painkillers, mostly prescription pain meds, but there is also back up Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. I like how the trolley is a subtle way to store medication, most people would look at it and think beauty products are stored within it, not medication.

Monthly Pill Organiser: This was another great Amazon find at a cheap price. I’ve used weekly pill organisers in the past, but I felt like I was constantly refilling it. It’s so much easier to have a monthly one, it takes around an hour to fill. I could never go back to a weekly organiser after having this.

Since being diagnosed with Lupus, I’ve had numerous skin issues. But, with a lot of trial and error I’ve found the perfect products to somewhat settle these issues.

Body Butters: I suffer with itchy skin, it feels like millions of insects crawling under my skin. In the past, I have scratched my skin until it bled. I have tried creams from the doctors but they either came with unpleasant side affects or had no affect. I started using body butters which oddly helped the most. I love The Body Shop body butters, my favourite being Almond Milk and Honey. I have to moisturise at least once a day to make the itching bearable or none existent.

Liz Earle: For some unbeknown reason, when I commenced my treatment for Lupus, I developed horrendous acne. I had tried everything I could within a decent price range but nothing helped and my skin was getting worse. I bit the bullet and bought Liz Earle. It definitely works and the price of the products reflects the quality. Due to how sore and broken out my skin was, my GP decided I should start antibiotics. I can balance my skin with the two, I still break out but my face remains somewhat clear and pain free.

Having a Chronic Illness can be isolating and lonely. I’m a person who enjoys their own company but being alone for most of the week can take it’s toll. When my family leaves for work, I can become anxious because I’m alone and overthinking. I have numerous things to occupy me, so I can get through the week without feeling too lonely. Here are few examples:

Netflix: I despise daytime television, I find it brain numbing so I sometimes flick to Netflix. I absolutely love documentaries and will sit through pretty much any (unless it’s the animal documentaries that show animals chasing and eating each other). But, it’s no secret that my favourite things to watch is true crime and anything medical.

Reading: Sometimes I like to read, if my brain fog and concentration allows. My mother has recently got me into thriller books. You can pass hours if you’re engrossed in a book.

Dogs: When I first got poorly, all I had was my little Theo. And because it was just me and him, we formed a unique bond. He wouldn’t leave my side and has licked the tears off my cheeks numerous times. Since then, we have added 2 more dogs. Just hearing them around the house keeps me settled. Animals are a great therapy and without having them around, I think my mental health would have declined.

Rheumatology appointment – 15/3/2018: a new medication.

I’m sure my appointments come around quicker each time. The time between my last appointment and this one was 4 months. This appointment was mostly centred around Antiphospholipid Syndrome.

As usual, the appointment started with the nurse for the usual checks. My weight and blood pressure were fine, but my urine is showing a possible infection. I’m unsure if I still have protein lurking in it, the nurse was concentrating on the possible infection.

As stated above, this appointment was mostly about Antiphospholipid Syndrome, I’ve never had an appointment that was nearly dedicated to this illness, people assume (and I did for a while) that all my symptoms are down to Lupus. In all honesty, this was an odd appointment to me, I was barley asked any questions. He asked how I felt since the upped dose of Azathioprine and when I replied “honestly…I feel no different”. And, that’s when the appointment changed direction to Antiphospholipid.

It isn’t new knowledge to me that my consultant wants me to take warfarin or something very similar to control my APS. For over a year, he’s believed my headaches are tiny blood clots on my brain that fizzle out on their own. For some reason, I have a great fear of Warfarin, the thought of taking it petrifies me. Which has resulted in a firm head shake at my consultant numerous times, essentially, I have denied treatment.

However, at this appointment, we found a middle ground. A medication called Apixaban, which has replaced my dose of Aspirin. Apixaban is an anticoagulant, which means it will greatly reduce my risk of DVTs and PEs. I take two 2.5mg tablets a day, one in the morning and one at night. My consultant believes the symptoms that aren’t being relieved by my Lupus meds, aren’t Lupus symptoms at all, but symptoms of APS. We’re hoping Apixaban will help relieve headaches and some degree of the fatigue. I have been given a months supply to see how I cope on it. The meds come with an alert card that needs to be kept on me at all times.

Another point of discussion was the back pain I’ve had for the last few months, it differs in severity. I also mentioned that I can do my first wee of the day at around 4pm. He said the urine sample I provided will be sent to the labs for further testing. He also wanted to check my full blood count, the last couple of times my blood count has been slightly low. If it continues declining, my dose of Azathioprine will be reduced back to 100mg. He will write to me with the results of both, but the nurse recommended I ring my GP to check if I need antibiotics, which she said I most likely will.

He scheduled us to meet again in 3 months time.

Rheumatology Appointment – 30th November, 2017: Changes I wasn’t expecting.

I had a funny feeling that something was going to change or happen at this appointment, I’m not sure why, but the last time I had this feeling, my whole treatment plan changed. It could just be that I’m a superstitious person, but so far that feeling hasn’t let me down. Although the change is only minor, it was enough to irk me.

If I’m honest, I was already in an irritated mood, it was snowing with bitter winds. Which, I admit, sounds like a stupid reason to be annoyed but when Raynaud’s sets in and you can’t feel your own limbs, you get irritated. I think I made it worse for myself by imagining the things I’d rather be doing than trekking to the hospital in snow and winds.

There’s something about the waiting room which depresses me, either because it’s a room I’ll spend so much of my time in or because it’s a hospital waiting room – probably both. I sat and read a mind numbing celebrity gossip magazine until I was called by the nurse for the routine checks of blood pressure, weight and urine.

I was expecting all 3 to come back clear as they usually do, which my weight and blood pressure did but for the first time my urine did not. It showed positive for protein, something usually not to worry about but I have researched mostly everything you can about Lupus and I know that protein in urine can be an indication of kidney involvement. I asked if that was anything to worry about and the nurse told me that people can naturally have protein in their urine and there’s usually nothing to worry about. She wrote my details on the bottle, I assume the sample went to the labs for further testing.

I struggle immensely with figuring out what is significant enough to tell my consultant, there was 6 months in between appointments this time and I think it’s too long. I decided that the most significant issues were the two bad flares I’ve had since my last visit.

I started with the flare that was caused by a viral infection, the flare that resulted in a visit to an out of hours doctor. I mentioned that the doctor I saw had said I needed steroids to get the flare under control but I could only get them prescribed from my consultant. I wasn’t surprised to see my consultant look a little puzzled by that. He confirmed my suspicions that, if I need steroids, my GP can prescribe them.

I proceeded to tell him about the flare that was so prolonged that I thought it would never end, the flare caused by insomnia. I explained that I slept for 10 hours in a week. I told him my joints were painful and swollen, that I had headaches and pretty much any other symptom you can think of, he said no sleep for that length of time will do that to me. I have spoken to him about poor sleep in the past which he confirmed is all part of Lupus.

The appointment moved onto the usual questions, are you still having regular headaches? “Yes”. Are you still having joint pain and aches? “Yes”. Have you been getting rashes? “No”. Slight lie, I have but they don’t stay long and ironically after the appointment, I had two – both on my face.

One of the hardest things for me to overcome and it’s something that I’m still trying to overcome, is that I’m not a pain in the bum to doctors, family and friends. Which means, admitting that you don’t think your current treatment plan or dose is working as best as it should. Which brings me to the part of the appointment I wasn’t expecting…

Are you having more good days? “No”. Are they mostly bad days? A thought flickering through my head to be honest with the doctor trying his best to help, “yes”. There was a slight pause in the conversation and then he told me he would like to increase my dose of Azathioprine. He asked me if we should increase it to 125mg or 150mg. It’s was like he was asking if I wanted the small bag of sweets or the large bag. I was more in shock because in the past I was told the dose would more than likely never go above 100mg, and if it were to be raised, doctors would need to be cautious due to low TPMT test results. I shrugged and said “I’ll leave that decision to you”.

He raised the dose to 150mg and lowered my appointments to 4 monthly. He handed me a prescription, a blood test form and a form to hand to reception. As I was leaving he said the sentence that irked me “your blood tests are now fortnightly”. It had taken over a year to just get to the 3 month mark for blood tests and now I’m back to fortnightly. I know nobody is to blame, but it’s annoying.

I went to the hospital pharmacy and then on a hunt for the biggest bag of Maltesers I could find…I found a bag and I also found Toblerone and I’m yet to find a regret.