Goodbye Azathioprine, hello Mycophenolate!| Rheumatology appointment 14-11-2019

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’d know that I entered a vile flare, possibly the worst I’ve experienced. During this flare, Azathioprine once again made a mess of my white cell count and we believe it also affected my liver. On October 30th, I was given the green light to restart Azathioprine. I had voiced that I did not wish to remain on Azathioprine numerous times throughout this flare but it seemed like nobody was listening to me. When you have a chronic illness, you slowly realise you’re in charge of your body and that means sometimes you have to say no to doctors and essentially, refuse treatment. Instead of restarting Azathioprine, I brought forward my Rheumatology appointment to discuss a new treatment plan.

I felt nervous for this appointment, a part of me thought my consultant would refuse to change my treatment and tell me to stay on Azathioprine. I brought my mum along with me, I prefer having someone with me at ‘big’ appointments, in case I forget anything he has said to me.

He started the appointment by telling me he has been in contact with my GP quite a lot recently – most likely discussing my blood tests and treatment for the flare. I told him I’m starting to feel better and like I’m coming out of the flare. I did question how I’m meant to be lowering the steroid dose, I was given 4 boxes of 1mg tablets and each box had the same instructions. It implied I would be on 4mg for a month which didn’t seem to fit the original weaning process we had planned. I did drop to 3mg on my own accord, something I told my consultant and he said I did the right thing. He told me to reduce the dose by 1mg each week, which means I will be steroid free within 3 weeks. This stint on steroids has lasted much longer than last years stint, I can’t wait to be free of them again.

I then explained that I feel as if we have come full circle with Azathioprine and that it’s time to give it up. It doesn’t seem logical to stay on a medication that keeps messing with my white cell count and liver and the last couple of times it’s happened, I’ve been put on steroids. He asked if I wanted to solely be on Hydroxychloroquine or if I wanted to replace the Azathioprine with a different medication. I told him I wanted to replace Azathioprine. I’m not stable enough to be on just Hydroxy which is why I was put on Azathioprine in the first place.

We have swapped Azathioprine for something called Mycophenolate which is also known as CellCept. Like Azathioprine, it’s an immune suppressant. That means it could affect my white cells and liver just like the Azathioprine but it could also be the wonder drug I’ve been searching for. It’s a bit of a gamble but you have to try these things to find out. My dose is 500mg in the morning and 500mg at night. I need fortnightly blood tests until my body has settled on it which isn’t too bad as I’m already on fortnightly tests. As of writing this, I’m on my 2nd day of the Mycophenolate and I haven’t encountered any side affects yet so let’s hope that continues. It doesn’t work immediately and it can take up to 8-12 weeks before I feel any benefit. I logged my experience with starting Azathioprine here and I plan to do the same with Mycophenolate.

I’m lucky that my Rheumatologist listens to what I have to say in regards to how I feel about my treatment plan and takes in what I think is and isn’t working. I didn’t need any blood tests at this appointment as I’d had some on Monday. I see him again in 3 months time.

At the appointment previous to this, my consultant said he will see me in 8 months time. When we left the room, I turned to my boyfriend and said “something will happen in that 8 months, just watch”. It’s funny how you’re right when your body is dysfunctional.

Onwards and upwards. Lupus 0 – Emily…I’ve lost count.

Rheumatology appointment: 28-02-2019

This appointment had 3 months between my last appointment which you can read about here.

All checks such as blood pressure and urine were fine. For some reason I wasn’t weighed which isn’t a problem for me as I haven’t been eating as healthy as I usually do in the last couple of weeks…chocolate, crisps, Costa’s with a cake at the side and popcorn at the cinema last night.

My consultant firstly asked about headaches, probably due to the last appointment being centred around them. I told him I have noticed a difference since my dose of anti coagulants (Apixaban) had been increased. But, I also told him in recent weeks I had suffered some headaches but no where near on the pain scale as they previously were.

At my last appointment he increased Hydroxychloroquine back to the original dose of 400mg a day in the hopes it would help my aches and joint pain. Today he asked if I felt any benefit with the increased dose and I admitted that I felt no benefit or difference . He seemed disappointed and said he hoped it would improve things.

I told him that today I had pain mostly located in my elbows, knees, right shoulder and that my fatigue has been heightened recently. I recently had an odd rash on the inside of my left thigh, he asked how long it stayed for and I confirmed it was there for a week. I showed him a picture of it and he said it was burst blood vessels which is normal with my conditions. I also mentioned that my knuckles keep swelling and at one point my right hand wanted to stay closed.

Another point of the appointment was about teeth. I had discussed teeth with some other Lupus sufferers and they all said I need a prescription toothpaste. I asked my consultant if it was Lupus, meds or a combination of both that caused damage to teeth and he confirmed Lupus likes to pick on teeth. Mostly because Lupus often comes with secondary Sjogrens Syndrome which causes a dry mouth…guess who has secondary Sjogrens? He agreed that the toothpaste would be beneficial but he has struggled to get hold of it in recent years and that I’d have more success obtaining it via the dentist. In the mean time he has prescribed a spray to use as often as needed which stops the mouth from becoming dry and preventing damage to the teeth.

The time between appointments has changed from 3 months to 6, which I’m glad about. I had some blood taken and was sent on my way.

Blood clots on the brain: a diary of a shit time

I’m currently battling the most stubborn headache I’ve ever experienced. It’s been with me since Tuesday 27th November. The 27th-30th were covered in this blog post. For ease, I’m going to list the symptoms I have here so I’m not repeating myself in each section.

  • The headache: it starts at the back of my head, climbs round to my temples and to my eyes. Oddly, my scalp feels tender, which isn’t something I’ve ever experienced with headaches so I can’t be sure if it’s linked. Either way, it’s uncomfortable to lay on. There’s a bruise type pain at the back/base of my neck.
  • Lupus symptoms: I usually take codiene for my Lupus pain, however codiene induces headaches for me or makes an existing one worse. I’m relying solely on paracetamol and ibubrofren and at this point, I may as well just be eating Smarties. I have terrible pain in my elbows, wrist (wrist joint has been swollen), fingers, knees, shoulders, chest, back, fever, dizziness (not constant), extreme fatigue, muscle aches and pains.

1st December: The paracetamol, ibuprofen and tramadol have had no affect on this stubborn headache. Today I bought 4Head strips and White Tiger Balm (this one is aimed at headaches). The 4Head strips felt nice and cooling but did nothing to help. I had a lot of hope for the White Tiger Balm because I swear by their red balm but it offered relief for only 20 minutes.

2nd December: Today I went to buy some Migraleve but Boots didn’t have the pack with the pink and yellow tablets. Instead I bought 8/500 (8mg of codiene and 500mg of paracetamol – which is what the yellow tablets of Migraleve contain). I took them every 4 hours to have no relief. I’m beginning to feel very low in mood and a little bit defeated.

3rd December: Sometimes I can’t face what Lupus throws at me without medical intervention. I went to my GP who admitted the length of the headache is concerning. He prescribed Diclofenac 50mg which I can take 3 times a day. He told me if they didn’t work I had to call my Lupus/Rheumatology nurse. They eased the eye pain for a small amount of time. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and believed by the 2nd dose things would be a lot better but again – nothing. By the time I took the 3rd dose it wasn’t offering relief for the eye pain. I’ve spent the day feeling angry at my own body and terribly grumpy.

4th December: I planned to ring my Rheumatologist Nurse today but she was in clinic and was unable to talk. I spoke to my consultants secretary instead, she took a list of my symptoms and was going to pass the message to him. My headache remains the same today, the Diclofenac isn’t much help.

5th December: I got a call from my consultants secretary. My appointment has been brought forward from February to tomorrow. There’s not much else to say other than the headache is still firmly with me and it’s beginning to make me feel nauseous.

6th December: I saw my consultant this afternoon, here’s a blog post that covers it in more detail. The fluorescent lights in the hospital made my head worse. I can’t even describe how fed up I feel with the headache and joint pain. I just want to lay in bed until this is all over. I couldn’t eat anything tonight because I feel nauceous.

7th December: It feels as if this headache won’t disappear. I travelled to my boyfriend’s family tonight and the headlights from other cars aggravated it – especially the pain in my eyes.

8th December: Today my head felt extremely foggy and heavy. It was hard to concentrate on most things. But, then again, it’s been hard to concentrate since the headache started. I think my patience has finally ran out with it because it just doesn’t seem to want to leave me.

9th December: I woke up headache free. FINALLY! I sat up this morning and felt like doing a Mel Gibson in Braveheart…but I thought it was probably best to do subtle head movements on my first day of freedom. It did start to creep up at random times in the day but it successfully responded to paracetamol and ibubrofren.

10th December: Guess what’s back? I had one day free and it came back. My eyes are still free from pain but it’s at the back of my head and temple area again.

11th December: It had dulled down but yet again, it returned at night. It’s only at the back of my head tonight though, so that’s something positive.

12th December: Today was the same as yesterday – clear all day until early evening and it started up. Again, it was only at the back of my head, leaving my temple and eye area free.

I believe it’s finally starting to leave me and it’s just taking a while for the stragglers to leave (the pain in the back of my head). And, for that reason, I’m leaving this post as it is. I will admit that I knew something wasn’t quite right when Diclofenac offered no relief. I kept quiet to not worry anyone but I ultimately knew the only person that could help was my consultant. Oddly, the thought of blood clots on my brain doesn’t scare me, I think I’ve gotten used to the dysfunctional verison of my body. I’m not used to battling Antiphospholipid Syndrome because Lupus is usually the prodominient illness for me and I can whole heartedly say…it was bloody miserable. I’m starting to perk up again but I still don’t feel 100% like myself yet.

Ps, I sincerely apologise to whoever I conversed with during this shit show.

An insight to Lupus – Novemeber 2018.

Thursday 1st: I have pain in my back and abdomen, it’s a dull type of pain and it hurts to stand up straight. I have pain in my right shoulder. I can feel my fatigue heightening by the hour. There’s pain in my elbows and knees. I think I’m starting to flare.

Friday 2nd: I woke up with a headache, it’s in my eyes and temple area. I still have the back pain but today it’s stretching to my sides. My elbows have sharp pains in them but it’s mostly concentrated in the left elbow. The small joints on my left hand have a dull pain radiating through them. As the day progressed the pain and fatigue got more intense.

Saturday 3rd: I didn’t sleep well, I was tossing and turning all night and my headache from yesterday is still in tact. I’ve started to properly flare, horrendous pain in my elbows, knees and hands. My body aches and it feels like I’m lugging around a dead weight. My fatigue is at a high level, my eyes are constantly stinging and begging for sleep. The intensity of my symptoms got worse as the day progressed.

Sunday 4th: I didn’t sleep well at all, the last time I looked at the clock it was 3am. The pain in my elbows is intense. My knees started to hurt within an hour of waking. My headache is still there, I’m taking paracetamol and ibubrofren regularly but it’s not helping. The little joints in my feet hurt, a sharp pain. My fatigue is terrible today, it’s been difficult to keep my eyes open. My body aches from head to toe. My back has started to hurt again too.

Monday 5th: I slept well, for 12 hours in fact, and I only woke during the night a few times. However, it hasn’t made me feel better. I just wanted to go back to sleep when I woke up, I’m ridiculously tired. My headache has doubled in intensity and my brain feels clouded. I had pain in my elbows, knees and thigh muscles.

Tuesday 6th: I didn’t sleep well, I fell asleep around 2.30am and kept waking through the night. I had pains in the usual places: elbows and knees. But I had pain in my hips and thigh muscles again – a mix of sharp and burning type pains. My brain still felt clouded this morning and early afternoon. I had back pain at irregular intervals, which might tie into the hip pain? Before I went to bed the muscles in my arms had sharp pains too and the pain in my right knee got worse. My headache was nearly none existent today, which is something positive!

Wednesday 7th: I slept reasonably well but I did wake a few times throughout the night. My fatigue has been very high today, it feels like everything is an effort. I have bad pain in my right knee, my elbows and my back. The headache made a return this evening. I just can’t wait to go to sleep tonight.

Thursday 8th: I didn’t sleep too bad. But, it was still a bad day for fatigue. I barley did anything. I had bad pain in my knees and back and I had a headache throughout the day. It felt like a really long day. I had sharp pains in my hips and thighs at night time.

Friday 9th: I didn’t sleep too well, I woke up numerous times throughout the night. I’ve had a high level of pain in my elbows, a mixture of dull and sharp pain. I also had dizziness and pain in my hips whilst walking around some shops this afternoon. I’ve found it difficult to concentrate today. The pain in my right elbow got significantly worse by the time I went to bed and the left one wasn’t much better.

Saturday 10th: I slept the best I have in a while. Today started well, I thought it would have been a good day but by afternoon Lupus came out to play. My hip started to hurt, a tingling sensation with sharp pain. My knees were in a bad way whilst trying to fall asleep. My back is sore too, it’s hard to find a comfortable position to sit or lay.

Sunday 11th: Awful nights sleep, my back was sore, after 10/15 minutes of laying in one position, I’d have to change. I eventually fell asleep at 4.30am but it was still broken sleep until I got up at 9.30am. It was very difficult to keep myself awake throughout the day. Obviously, my fatigue levels were through the roof. Thankfully, the pain levels were at a bearable level today.

Monday 12th: I slept a lot better. I have pain in the usual places like my elbows and knees. By afternoon my fatigue levels crept back up and the joint pain started back up.

Tuesday 13th: I slept reasonably well but I kept waking from around 5am. Lupus is working it’s magic this evening with bad knee pain and sharp pains in my thigh muscles, I can actually feel my knees throb. There is some discomfort in my right hip. I have pain in both elbows but it’s not a severe as my knees. There’s a sharp pain in my left rib area and chest.

Wednesday 14th: My sleep was the same as the previous night, from early doors I kept waking. I have pain under my ribs, a sharp pain. I struggled to get going today and this afternoon my fatigue heightened. I had pain in my elbows, wrists and hands today but it seems to be settling for now. The pain in my knees doesn’t seem to be easing though. My skin is really itchy today especially on my arms and back, it feels like there’s millions of insects crawling under my skin.

Thursday 15th: I didn’t well. I was waking up often throughout the night which means my fatigue levels are quite high. I have the usual pains in my elbows and knees. The pain in my back is still there but it’s intermittent.

Friday 16th: I slept fairly okay, I still kept waking up through the night though. I had a bad headache today and my joints were quite sore. The back pain seems to be subsiding.

Saturday 17th: I slept okay but again, I woke up often. I have pain in my right shoulder today and my headache is still there. I had a sharp pain in my right knee which spread down my calf.

Sunday 18th: I slept well. I woke with a headache that lingered all day, it started in my temple area but soon went to my eyes. I had joint pain in my knees and elbows again. My fatigue was pretty high, especially in the afternoon and evening.

Monday 19th: I slept okay, not the greatest. I still have the headache but it’s not as bad as yesterday. My joint pain today is mostly concentrated in my elbows, specifically my left. It’s a mixture of dull and sharp and goes down my arm. I had hip pain, mostly in my right hip. I’m feeling quite tired today.

Tuesday 20th: I slept fairly okay but I was waking a lot. I was achy today, espcially in my legs. I had pain in my elbows and knees and some muscle pain in my upper arms and thighs.

Wednesday 21st: I didn’t sleep too bad. I’ve felt unbelievably tired today. I’ve had back pain, my head has felt foggy and I’ve had a headache. I had joint pain in my left wrist, the small joints in my hands (mostly left). And of course, pain in my knees and elbows. I felt feverish during the evening.

Thursday 22nd: I slept well. I saw the doctor this morning and I was put on anti biotics for an infection which explains the fever. I have intense pain in my elbows, wrists, fingers (mostly left) and shoulders. There is a mixture of a stabbing and burning pain in my left thigh and calf. I also have a headache and my fatigue is at a high level – all of the above symptoms are from one Christmas shopping trip.

Friday 23rd: I didn’t sleep too well, I kept waking. It’s been a really tough day, my whole body ached and I had pain pretty much everywhere. Every task was an effort to do. I’m still feeling quite feverish but I’m hoping the antibiotics bring that to a stop soon.

Saturday 24th: Again, I didn’t sleep too well, it took hours to fall asleep after taking a sleeping tablet at 2.30am. My fatigue levels are sky high, my eyes are stinging. I feel beyond achy today, it feels like I’m dragging around a dead weight. Again, I felt pain almost everywhere. I’m still feeling the effects of Thursday’s shopping trip.

Sunday 25th: I didn’t sleep well, it was a case of taking me hours to fall asleep again. I don’t feel as achy today but my fatigue is hitting a new height after the last few days and nights. I have joint pain in my elbows, wrists, knees and shoulder.

Monday 26th: I slept a little better but not much. I have an intense headache today. The aching body is back. I have pain in my shoulders, elbows and knees.

Tuesday 27th: I slept okay. I had a minor headache this morning but it has turned into a nasty one that is making me feel nauseous. It’s at the back of my head and goes into my temple area and eyes.

Wednesday 28th: I didn’t sleep well, my head hurt every time I moved. I had terrible joint pain, just holding a cup of tea caused pain to shoot down my arms. My headache hasn’t eased, it’s still in the back of my head, temples and eyes.

Thursday 29th: I didn’t sleep well again, for the same reasons and my headache is still with me. It’s the same, back of the head, eyes and temples. I’m getting really fed up with it. I had bad joints today too; elbows, wrists, knees and feet. I feel so exhausted.

Friday 30th: Yet again, I didn’t sleep well. My headache is still firmly in tact, it feels as if it won’t go away. If it doesn’t improve over the weekend, I’ll see the doctor. I had a strange mark on the left side of my neck which was itchy and later on pain started in that area. I’m still suffering quite bad joint pain in my elbows, knees, shoulders, wrists and feet.

Rheumatology Appointment: 14-06-18.

I’m sat writing this post and wondering if I should even write it at all. It was a mundane appointment, I’m not saying that past appointments have been a joyous afternoon outing. But, so much had happened between my last appointment and this one. To recap: Azathioprine temporarily stopped due to low white cells, steroids, crippling anxiety due to steroids…you can see why I thought it would be at least a little bit interesting.

I sat in the little waiting room, an elderly lady looked at me in confusion. Then another lady entered and she also started looking at me. It happens a lot, they aren’t used to seeing a 23-year-old in a department typically used by older people. I can see them studying me, trying to figure out why I’m there. I could tell them why I’m there but seeing the confusion humours me whilst I wait.

The regular checks of weight and blood pressure were fine. However, my urine flagged up again, it did at my previous appointment. My consultant remembered this and asked if my water works were okay, I told him they were fine and he wrote something in my file (I can’t read his writing so I couldn’t tell you what). But, as he wrote he said “we need to keep an eye on you”. It was just a urine infection for which I have antibiotics for. I know urine infections are common in Lupus but it made me wonder (with him asking if my water works were the same) if frequent infections are an early symptom of kidney involvement. Just for the record: my kidneys are fine and performing perfectly well.

On this particular appointment, I felt awful. I was exhausted and sore in most of my joints, I told him but he didn’t say much but then again there isn’t much he could say. He’s very matter of fact that I have an illness that causes fatigue and pain. I also informed him that I recently had a butterfly rash, which he put down to the warmer weather we’ve recently had.

I asked “did my white cells drop because my body couldn’t handle the higher dose of Azathioprine?”. Interestingly, he nodded but also revealed that someone of my age should be able to handle 200mg of Azathioprine (my dose was 150mg). He also told me that when Lupus is active white blood cells tend to drop, so he believes it’s a mixture of the two. I’ve been curious if he would eventually try and increase the dose again but when I asked he said no and reminded me that we have to test different doses out to find the best one for me.

If everything remains stable for 6 weeks, my fortnightly blood tests can be moved to monthly. I next see my consultant in August, a little bit early but he’s going to Canada for a conference. He said he didn’t want to wait until he’s back because it would be too long in between appointments.

Anxiety: the side affects of steroids they don’t tell you about.

Steroids are a miracle medication but 3 weeks into taking them, I now realise why people despise being on them. They come with unwanted and unpleasant side affects, and side affects can appear at random times – even if you have been taking them for weeks to months. Over the weekend, I was plunged into the side affect nobody talks or warns you about: anxiety.

Before I go on, because this is important to note – a couple of years before being diagnosed with Lupus, I was diagnosed with anxiety. This is usually controlled by slow release medication (propranolol).

I lowered my dose from 15mg to 10mg on Friday 18th May. I thought of this as a happy occasion. To me, it meant my time on steroids was decreasing. The weekend was quickly passing but my anxiety levels were quickly heightening. At this point, I could handle it by distracting myself with various activities.

However, Monday ran an entirely different course than the weekend. My heart was racing, I had butterflies in my stomach and a feeling of impending doom. My breathing would become heavy at random points throughout the day. During these attacks, I couldn’t sit still, I paced the living room with my racing heart and I began to get hot and clammy. I guess you could say these were panic attacks and they happened regularly throughout the day. When I wasn’t in a panic attack, I sat with the churning feeling and thoughts that something terrible was going to happen. At night, these feelings and attacks increased. I would lay in bed to fall asleep and it would start again, I’d sit up like it was an involuntary action. I started to feel mentally tormented and at some point in an attack, I bit the inside of my cheek and drew blood.

Realising this wasn’t normal for me, I put 2+2 together. I grabbed my phone and asked on Twitter if anyone had experiences of anxiety whilst taking steroids. 14 people replied to me and each person had experienced it, some saying they can’t take steroids anymore because of it. Someone told me if you have a history of anxiety, you’re more than likely to experience this side affect. I laid back down and I could hear the faint mumbling of my brothers TV. I turned my fan off so I could hear it better, hearing and knowing my brother was in the next room made me feel safe enough to sleep.

Tuesday went the same as the previous day. But by now, I was almost hugging myself. Hearing the cars outside put me on edge and I jumped at the door being knocked on. I looked at my steroids and walked away, I couldn’t bare the thought of taking them, knowing they were the cause of intense anxiety. Mum came home from work and I finally told her how I felt, she remarked how I looked on edge and anxious. I hadn’t eaten a thing all day but I knew in a few hours I’ll be taking my usual meds so I needed food. I had to force the meal down. As my bath was running, I held my hand out and it was trembling. Whilst in the bath I decided it was best that I saw the doctor the next day. I went to bed, this time bringing my dog for comfort. He must of sensed something was amiss because he slowly crept up to me, gave me a shower of kisses and slept by my side all night. I don’t care what anyone says, dogs bring a level of comfort and calm that’s hard to replicate. Knowing I had to take the steroids at some point, I took them right before I fell asleep.

I went to the doctor and told him everything. He said, because of the timing of reducing the dose and the anxiety starting, it’s most likely the steroids. He explained that steroids can cause mental disturbances. I asked, because the dose being only 10mg, if I could just stop them that day. He said if I stopped them without weaning, I’d end up in hospital. He emailed my consultant for advice on what to do, listing everything I had said and also stating I have a history of anxiety. I had to leave and wait for the GP to call me with what my consultant replied. I came home and tried to distract myself with various activities but not a lot worked.

I received the call today with what my consultant suggests. The weaning process has been sped up, I have to continue taking 10mg for the rest of the week. I will then reduce down to 5mg for a further week and then I’ll be free of the wretched things. My consultant is positive I’ll return to my normal self after the weaning process.

Everyone knows how steroids can physically affect you, weight gain and puffy face etc. But, it’s almost like you have to discover these hidden side affects for yourself. Nobody talks or warns you about this side of steroids, which is what prompted this post. If someone is on steroids and going through this, I hope they stumble across this post and realise it’s common but hardly spoken about.

In previous posts, I remarked how I didn’t think steroids were bad. However, I would now describe them as mental poison. I have felt nothing but dread and fear. This experience has restored my fear in steroids, there’s not a chance in hell that I would take them again.

A week without immune suppressants…

It’s been over a week since my last dose of Azathioprine and according to my research they were out of my system within 2 days. At the time of stopping Azathioprine, my white blood cells were reading at 3.3. However, I had the levels re-tested again on Friday (13-04-18) and they are now reading 2.8. My GP, on Monday, assured me that the levels would return to normal quickly. Instead they have fallen, which concerns me but, I seem to be the only one concerned about it.

I was fully aware that I would suffer due to being under medicated and I knew Lupus would drag me down quickly. Today has been my hardest day so far. My headaches, which were greatly reduced by the Apixaban have returned, it’s like a constantly thud in my head and there’s sharp pain behind my eyes. My joints, especially my knees and elbows have pain radiating through them, I can’t take my strong painkillers because they induce headaches – which would just turn my current headache into a migraine. My feet and fingers have lost feeling quite a few times which ended in pins and needles.

Around lunch time, I had severe pain on the left hand side of my back, just under the ribs. It was so severe that it reduced me to tears and made me nauseous, it seems to be coming in waves but so far, nothing as bad as earlier today. It was as if someone was stabbing me.

Fatigue has been mounting up, I have no desire or motivation to do anything but sit or lay. My eyes sting and burn and small tasks are beginning to feel like impossible tasks. I’m starting to feel like a zombie, I look awake and alert but I don’t feel it.

It scares me that I could and probably will get worse, I’m heading into my second week being under medicated. You can feel Lupus pull you in but you have no idea how far it’ll pull you, and that’s the scary part. But, this is what happens when you give Lupus free reign to be a dick.

I have blood tests this Friday to re-check my white blood cell levels. I’m hoping they will have risen but due to the drop, I’m dubious that it’ll be enough to re-start the lowered dose of Azathioprine.

Rheumatology Appointment – 30th November, 2017: Changes I wasn’t expecting.

I had a funny feeling that something was going to change or happen at this appointment, I’m not sure why, but the last time I had this feeling, my whole treatment plan changed. It could just be that I’m a superstitious person, but so far that feeling hasn’t let me down. Although the change is only minor, it was enough to irk me.

If I’m honest, I was already in an irritated mood, it was snowing with bitter winds. Which, I admit, sounds like a stupid reason to be annoyed but when Raynaud’s sets in and you can’t feel your own limbs, you get irritated. I think I made it worse for myself by imagining the things I’d rather be doing than trekking to the hospital in snow and winds.

There’s something about the waiting room which depresses me, either because it’s a room I’ll spend so much of my time in or because it’s a hospital waiting room – probably both. I sat and read a mind numbing celebrity gossip magazine until I was called by the nurse for the routine checks of blood pressure, weight and urine.

I was expecting all 3 to come back clear as they usually do, which my weight and blood pressure did but for the first time my urine did not. It showed positive for protein, something usually not to worry about but I have researched mostly everything you can about Lupus and I know that protein in urine can be an indication of kidney involvement. I asked if that was anything to worry about and the nurse told me that people can naturally have protein in their urine and there’s usually nothing to worry about. She wrote my details on the bottle, I assume the sample went to the labs for further testing.

I struggle immensely with figuring out what is significant enough to tell my consultant, there was 6 months in between appointments this time and I think it’s too long. I decided that the most significant issues were the two bad flares I’ve had since my last visit.

I started with the flare that was caused by a viral infection, the flare that resulted in a visit to an out of hours doctor. I mentioned that the doctor I saw had said I needed steroids to get the flare under control but I could only get them prescribed from my consultant. I wasn’t surprised to see my consultant look a little puzzled by that. He confirmed my suspicions that, if I need steroids, my GP can prescribe them.

I proceeded to tell him about the flare that was so prolonged that I thought it would never end, the flare caused by insomnia. I explained that I slept for 10 hours in a week. I told him my joints were painful and swollen, that I had headaches and pretty much any other symptom you can think of, he said no sleep for that length of time will do that to me. I have spoken to him about poor sleep in the past which he confirmed is all part of Lupus.

The appointment moved onto the usual questions, are you still having regular headaches? “Yes”. Are you still having joint pain and aches? “Yes”. Have you been getting rashes? “No”. Slight lie, I have but they don’t stay long and ironically after the appointment, I had two – both on my face.

One of the hardest things for me to overcome and it’s something that I’m still trying to overcome, is that I’m not a pain in the bum to doctors, family and friends. Which means, admitting that you don’t think your current treatment plan or dose is working as best as it should. Which brings me to the part of the appointment I wasn’t expecting…

Are you having more good days? “No”. Are they mostly bad days? A thought flickering through my head to be honest with the doctor trying his best to help, “yes”. There was a slight pause in the conversation and then he told me he would like to increase my dose of Azathioprine. He asked me if we should increase it to 125mg or 150mg. It’s was like he was asking if I wanted the small bag of sweets or the large bag. I was more in shock because in the past I was told the dose would more than likely never go above 100mg, and if it were to be raised, doctors would need to be cautious due to low TPMT test results. I shrugged and said “I’ll leave that decision to you”.

He raised the dose to 150mg and lowered my appointments to 4 monthly. He handed me a prescription, a blood test form and a form to hand to reception. As I was leaving he said the sentence that irked me “your blood tests are now fortnightly”. It had taken over a year to just get to the 3 month mark for blood tests and now I’m back to fortnightly. I know nobody is to blame, but it’s annoying.

I went to the hospital pharmacy and then on a hunt for the biggest bag of Maltesers I could find…I found a bag and I also found Toblerone and I’m yet to find a regret.